
エミリーの夢への旅 Vol.1

에밀리의 꿈을 향한 여행 / 宋米秦朝著夢想的旅程 / Emily’s travel to the dream




아마 초등학교였을것이다 장래 희망사항에 나 혼자만 연예인이라고 써넣었고 그런 나를 모두들 유별나다고 했다. 


I think it was a day in elementary school… I had to write a “future’s dream sheet” and I was the only one who wrote “an entertainer” in it. Everyone in the class saw me with strange eyes of course.



아버지의 일이 중국으로 발령나면서 우리 온 가족이 모두 중국으로 이사를 갔고 그곳에서 중국어를 배우면서 나의 꿈은 더욱 더 구체적으로 바뀌어갔다. 


Day passed and my family had to move to China for my father’s job. I learned Chinese there and also grew up my dream bigger and bigger.



한국으로 돌아가 대학을 다니면서 한국에서 꿈을 이루고자 노력했지만 계약한 회사마다 사기를 당하거나 아무것도 하지않은채 시간만 낭비하는 힘든 시간들의 연속이었다.


came back to Korea when I was in university. I made many efforts to make my dream come true but it was not an easy thing. I got conned by every agent I contracted. I felt I’m just wasting my time. It was a very hard time.



결국 나이는 점점 많아지는데 꿈을 향한 노력이 결실을 맺지 못하자 많은 고민을 하게되고 포기를 해야하나하는 생각까지 가게되었다. 


All of my efforts couldn’t make any results and I only got older. I had many thoughts.



그당시의 심정은 정말이지 빛이 하나도 없는 깜깜한 구덩이안에 있는 느낌. 


Giving up was the one too. I felt like I’m in the dark, deep cave. I had no hope for my future.



エミリー(宋米秦/Emily song)

韓国籍のモデル、女優、歌手、そして台湾のGirlsグループDreamGirls(ドリームガールズ)のリーダー。DreamGirls(ドリームガールズ)は2011年に正式にデビューした台湾人が2人、韓国人が1人の3人の女性メンバーで構成。3枚のアルバムをリリースし、バラエティ番組、ドラマや映画に出演。またクラランス、Giodarno(ファッションブランド)、ファミリーマート、などのブランドや製品、フリースタイル(オンラインゲーム)、錠剤、飲料、ジュエリーなど、韓国、台湾でCMや広告に出演し活躍。台湾、中国を始め中華圏、アジア諸国で絶大な人気を得ている。韓国ドラマで「멘탈사수 “”천하무적이평강」で初主演、台湾映画「香灰裏的愛情」で映画初主演を務めた。また韓国料理と韓国学習材の書籍を執筆して出版している。彼女は流暢に韓国語、中国語を話すことができるため台湾芸能界で成功した唯一の韓国人である。多文化に共通しているため台湾エンタテイメントの世界で韓国人スタイルの新たな流行を生み台湾の人々に影響を与え続けている。

Emily is a Korean model, actress, singer, and the leader of Taiwanese girl group Dream Girls. Dream Girls is a three member of 1 Korean and 2 Taiwanese girls debuted officially in 2011. Since then, the group has released three albums and has had several appearances in variety shows, dramas and movies.

The group gained significant popularity in countries where their native language is Chinese in addition to that they continued to be active in advertising in Korea and Taiwan, endorsing brands and products including Giodarno(Fashion brand), Family Mart(convenient store), Clarins(body skin care), Free Style(online game), Tablets, Beverages, Jewelry and more.

Emily starred in Korean drama series entitled “멘탈사수””천하무적 이평강” and recently she had her first movie ”香灰裏的愛情“ showed in Taiwan.

She also authored two books(Korean Cuisine and Korean learning material) under her name and released her third book end of last year.

What makes her unique in this market is that she is the only Korean who actively participate in celebrity activities in Taiwan who is also capable of speaking Korean, Chinese fluently. Because of this multi-cultural fit, she is known to digest many different types of styles in entertainment and she also influenced people in Taiwan with Korean celebrity style and established several channels between two markets.

