エミリーの夢への旅 Vol.3
그렇지만 그 시점에 다른 회사와 손을 잡고 일하게 되어 다행히 슬럼프에서 빨리 벗어날 수 있었다.
Fortunately, I could find a new agent smoothly.
그때부터는 열심히 처음에 모델일을 하며 광고도 찍고 잡지도 찍으며 경험을 많이 쌓아갔고 부모님께서도 드디어 하나둘씩 눈에 보이는 성과가 나오자 기뻐하시고 응원해주셨다.
From this time, I have started my model career for the first step. I experienced many CF and magazine shootings. My parents saw my work, they were pleased and supported me well.
회사에서는 처음부터 내 꿈이 가수인걸 알고있었고 가수를 꿈꾸는 또다른 친구가 있었다는것은 나중에 알았다 .
My new agent company knew that I wanted to be a singer so they prepared another member to make a girls group.
그렇게 회사에서 걸그룹을 기획하게되어 연습에 참가하게되었고 지금의 드림걸즈가 탄생하게되었다! (게다가 그룹 탄생 기자회날짜는 나의 생일인 3월23일! 유훗)
公司想推出女子團體,叫我也參加練習。就是現在的Dream Girls!!!!(而且,出道發表的記者會就是我的生日3月23日,真棒!!!)
This is how “Dream Girls” was born. (the date of our debut interview is March 23rd, my birthday!)
エミリー(宋米秦/Emily song)
韓国籍のモデル、女優、歌手、そして台湾のGirlsグループDreamGirls(ドリームガールズ)のリーダー。DreamGirls(ドリームガールズ)は2011年に正式にデビューした台湾人が2人、韓国人が1人の3人の女性メンバーで構成。3枚のアルバムをリリースし、バラエティ番組、ドラマや映画に出演。またクラランス、Giodarno(ファッションブランド)、ファミリーマート、などのブランドや製品、フリースタイル(オンラインゲーム)、錠剤、飲料、ジュエリーなど、韓国、台湾でCMや広告に出演し活躍。台湾、中国を始め中華圏、アジア諸国で絶大な人気を得ている。韓国ドラマで「멘탈사수 “”천하무적이평강」で初主演、台湾映画「香灰裏的愛情」で映画初主演を務めた。また韓国料理と韓国学習材の書籍を執筆して出版している。彼女は流暢に韓国語、中国語を話すことができるため台湾芸能界で成功した唯一の韓国人である。多文化に共通しているため台湾エンタテイメントの世界で韓国人スタイルの新たな流行を生み台湾の人々に影響を与え続けている。
Emily is a Korean model, actress, singer, and the leader of Taiwanese girl group Dream Girls. Dream Girls is a three member of 1 Korean and 2 Taiwanese girls debuted officially in 2011. Since then, the group has released three albums and has had several appearances in variety shows, dramas and movies.
The group gained significant popularity in countries where their native language is Chinese in addition to that they continued to be active in advertising in Korea and Taiwan, endorsing brands and products including Giodarno(Fashion brand), Family Mart(convenient store), Clarins(body skin care), Free Style(online game), Tablets, Beverages, Jewelry and more.
Emily starred in Korean drama series entitled “멘탈사수””천하무적 이평강” and recently she had her first movie ”香灰裏的愛情“ showed in Taiwan.
She also authored two books(Korean Cuisine and Korean learning material) under her name and released her third book end of last year.
What makes her unique in this market is that she is the only Korean who actively participate in celebrity activities in Taiwan who is also capable of speaking Korean, Chinese fluently. Because of this multi-cultural fit, she is known to digest many different types of styles in entertainment and she also influenced people in Taiwan with Korean celebrity style and established several channels between two markets.